武奈ヶ岳、八ツ渕の滝で涼む(滋賀)Mt.Bunagatake hiking 2013 Sep

I went to hiking at Mt.Bunagatake with my friends.

This mountain is one of the top 200 famous Japanese mountains & highest of the Hira-Mountains, at the west side area of Lake Biwa in Shiga prefecture.

We selected a hiking trail that we can see Yatsufuchi-falls. This water-falls is one of the top 100 famous Japanese falls.

There is starting point at a park, the name of “Gulliver’s travel village”.


5 minutes later from we started…The way was broke down by typhoon;) And some trees and rocks too……It’s Adventure!!


We walked moreover about 30 minutes and we meet a beautiful falls, it’s called “O-suribachi”.

Right, Yatsufuchi-falls is made from 8 water-falls chain, each of the falls have the beautiful basin of a waterfall.

After that, we were walking to top to avoid danger trail that is broke down by typhoon.


There is a fine view from the highest point. We can saw Lake Biwa.


It was a challenging job for about 1,250 meters above the sea, it likes Mt.Gozaisyodake. We achieved!

I remember now, we did not see an afforested area when I am walking this mountain. I like. But, it may only a hiking trail, we use.





この山は滋賀県湖西地方にある日本200名山で、比良山系の最高峰です。 今回は、日本100名滝の八ツ渕の滝を見るコースをチョイス^^登山口はガリバー旅行村の奥にあります。












Time table

10:00am start climb up from Gulliver’s travel village

10:30am falls

13:00pm highest point

13:45pm start climb down

15:45pm goal


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